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Results 551 to 560 of 608
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Wooly Thyme
Thymus pseudolanuginosis

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  2 inches
Flower Height:  3 inches
Spacing:  20 inches
Sunlight:  full sun

Wooly Thyme is smothered in stunning shell pink flowers at the ends of the stems from early to mid summer. Its attractive tiny...

Plant Photo 2
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Pink Skyrocket Foamflower
Tiarella 'Pink Skyrocket'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  6 inches
Flower Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  10 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

One of the largest-flowered hybrids to be introduced, this selection has deeply cut green leaves with attractive red veins;...

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Sugar And Spice Foamflower
Tiarella 'Sugar And Spice'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  8 inches
Flower Height:  15 inches
Spacing:  10 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

Sugar And Spice Foamflower has masses of beautiful spikes of lightly-scented white bell-shaped flowers rising above the foliage...

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Creeping Foamflower
Tiarella cordifolia

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  6 inches
Flower Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  18 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

Creeping Foamflower has masses of beautiful spikes of lightly-scented white star-shaped flowers rising above the foliage from mid...

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Sunshine Charm Spiderwort
Tradescantia 'Sunshine Charm'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  20 inches
Spacing:  12 inches
Sunlight:  shade to full sun

Add a little sunshine to your garden with this amazing variety; gold to lime green foliage creeates a lovely foil for the airy...

Plant Photo 6
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Virginia Spiderwort
Tradescantia virginiana

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  18 inches
Flower Height:  24 inches
Spacing:  18 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

A clump forming variety that can get up to three feet tall; short lived flowers bloom from terminal clusters in succession;...

Plant Photo 7
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Concord Grape Spiderwort
Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Concord Grape'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  18 inches
Spacing:  18 inches
Sunlight:  shade to full sun

Concord Grape Spiderwort has masses of beautiful clusters of purple flowers at the ends of the stems from early to late summer,...

Plant Photo 8
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Sweet Kate Spiderwort
Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Sweet Kate'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  18 inches
Spacing:  14 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

Sweet Kate Spiderwort has masses of beautiful clusters of royal blue flowers at the ends of the stems from early to late summer,...

Plant Photo 9
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Great White Trillium
Trillium grandiflorum

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  8 inches
Flower Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  10 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

Great White Trillium features delicate white star-shaped flowers with yellow eyes at the ends of the stems from early to mid...

Plant Photo 10
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Rose Trillium
Trillium grandiflorum 'var. roseum'

Plant Type:  perennial
Plant Height:  8 inches
Flower Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  10 inches
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

This extraordinary trillium presents interesting blooms that are streaked with rose-pink; an elegant addition to the woodland...