The Plant Finder

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Results 461 to 465 of 465
Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page

* Indicates "special order" plant

Plant Photo 1
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Limelight Stonecrop
Sedum makinoi 'Limelight'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  4 inches
Spacing:  15 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Tiny bright lime green leaves greet the eye with this lovely groundcover; excellent for rock gardens and containers; brightest...

Plant Photo 2
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Variegated October Daphne
Sedum sieboldii 'Mediovariegatum'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  12 inches
Spacing:  18 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This variety is useful and beautiful at the front of a border, along the edge of a walkway or tucked into a rockery or wall...

Plant Photo 3
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Variegated Periwinkle
Vinca major 'Variegata'

Plant Type:  perennial
Height:  4 inches
Spread:  24 inches
Sunlight:  shade to full sun

A very noticable groundcover, featuring rich lavender-blue flowers held over deep green foliage edged in yellowish white; does...

Plant Photo 4
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Allium schoenoprasum

Plant Type:  herb
Height:  12 inches
Spread:  18 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Edible and ornamental, this selection is great for kitchen and herb gardens, containers and window boxes; clusters of tall grass...

Plant Photo 5
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Garlic Chives *
Allium tuberosum

Plant Type:  herb
Plant Height:  10 inches
Flower Height:  16 inches
Spread:  18 inches
Sunlight:  full sun

A lovely ornamental and edible selection, ideal for window boxes, patio containers or herb gardens; showcasing edible green,...


* Indicates "special order" plant